Action King' Arjun's latest Telugu film Vallakottai is being dubbed into Telugu as Vayuputra. The Telugu version is produced by Smt. M. Bhagyalakshmi on the banner of Bhagyalakshmi Enterprises. Haripriya (of Thakita Thakita fame) is playing the female lead, while Latha, Ashish Vidyarthi and Suresh have key roles in the film. "This is my third film with director A. Venkatesh. Vayuputra is set in an action backdrop. There is comedy and a little love too. The film has been mostly shot overseas. I have five different get-ups in it. Vayuputra is totally commercial with all the ingredients that make a box-office hit," says Arjun.
Editing is by Surender Reddy, cinematography by Anjaneyulu, action by Thalapathi Dinesh, music by Dina, dialogues are by Ghantasala Ratnakumar, while J. Saikiran Reddy is the presenter of the film. Vayuputra is slated for a Diwali release.
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